Glad June is over
What a month. We had lots of wind, lots of rain, and lots of cold weather.
Seems like our weatherman has forecasted a chance of rain almost every day this month. As I was going to Leland one morning, my vehicle thermometer read 43 degrees IN JUNE!
The weather for the fourth of July looks good and hope that you will enjoy the holiday. I still have a few time slots open and would welcome your call to book the trips.
Fishing for salmon has remained slow but promising. We are seeing a few caught around North Manitou. I hope they stay around and provide us the chance to catch some of them.
good fishing
What a night
Had some major storms go through this area last night. The first one just missed us to the North. We had a bunch of us sitting on the boat waiting for it to hit. Nothing like a storm while sitting on the boat at the slip.
Lake trout fishing is still strong with regular limit catches. The fish we are catching are the new lake trout and most people prefer this fish for table fare.
I did troll straight spoons for about an hour a couple days ago with no luck on any silver like fish. Other captains have had the same outcome.
My phone is ringing so why not give us a call and get on our calendar.
It Floats!
Put the boat in the water on Wed. not without a few hitches. We had a some minor fixes before we let
off the trailer. Here is picture of her in the barn just prior to launch. The hull has been cleaned and waxed, the bottom painted and everything made secure before we travled.
It seems like every spring the cleaning part gets longer and longer. Trying to get items organized and the inside and topside ready has already taken a lot of man hours. I probably have at least another day before I am done and Memorial day is coming quick.
DNR boat inspection is scheduled for Thursday so I have to make sure all the safety equipment is in working order and all current paper work is available. We have done a bunch of these inspections so we are usually ready.
Aaron’s younger brother Drew is my new deckhand. Took him fishing Saturday along with my neighbor Dave and caught some lake trout for dinner. We have heard of a couple salmon being caught.
The river is full of alewifes. I have not seen this many in a lot of years. Maybe with this food being around the salmon will show and stay. I have my fingers crossed
My phone is ringing so please give us a call so we can get you on our calendar
Close to launch
Just prepared my final list of things to do before we can launch. Not a lot of things to do but more tha just a couple hours.
Plan on getting the bottom painted before Monday, power wash the bilge and a couple smaller projects. Would like to be in the water by next Wednesday if possible
Have a boat inspection on May 25th and then Memorial weekend.
Days have warmed up recently and really enjoy the heat.
Pontoon and dock go in the water Saturday. Hope to get a chance to wet a line on Lake Leelanau
Fishing reports have been good. Lake trout and a few coho have been caught around Leland. I will have more reports in later blogs.
Time to make your reservation for this season
Good fishing
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